You can output and view historical data of TFX Interest Rate Futures products.
This is Historical Database of Interest Rate Futures products for institutional clients.
Histrorical data of FX Daily Futures contracts "Click 365" and Equity Index Daily Futures contracts "Click Kabu 365" are available on the following websites.
The SPAN® parameter file (PDF) contains risk parameters for each interest rate futures and options product as well as their applicable period.
Describe leading contract month and triger on intraday additional margin call.
Daily trading volume, Open/High/Low/Closing prices, and open interest (up to previous day).
Previous day's report will be uploaded before noon the following day.
Available information: monthly trading volume, open interest etc.*
*Previous month’s report will be uploaded by 5th business day of the following month
Available information: annual trading volume, open interest etc.
Publication of the annual report ended in 2015 version.
Monthly trading volume, open interest (up to previous month) and annual trading volume and end-year open interest (up to last year)