News File

Concerning the Launch of the amended Overnight Interest Rate Futures

(21 June 2010)

TFX has been suspending the trading of Over-Night Call Rate Futures and Spot-Next Repo Rate Futures (hereinafter collectively called Overnight Interest Rate Futures) in preparation for the forthcoming launch of the amended Overnight Interest Rate Futures.
The launch date for the amended Overnight Interest Rate Futures and handling of the contract months for the amended Overnight Interest Rate Futures are as follows.

(1) Launch date for the amended Overnight Interest Rate Futures
The amended Overnight Interest Rate Futures will be made available for trading on and from Monday 28 June 2010 as mentioned in the news file dated 9 Mar 2010 .

(2) Concerning the handling of the contract months for the amended Overnight Interest Rate Futures
The number of contract months for the Overnight Interest Rate Futures will be changed from 12 consecutive calendar months to 6. The period for calculation of the Final Settlement Price for the Overnight Interest Rate Futures will be changed from one calendar month to the interval between the BOJ’s Monetary Policy Meetings designated by TFX.

Please see the following links for the period for calculation of the Final Settlement Price for the Overnight Interest Rate Futures as of June 28, 2010.
TFX will determine and publish the period for calculation of the Final Settlement Price of new contract months for the Overnight Interest Rate Futures about two weeks before the first trading day of each contract months in the links above.

Please see the accompanying sheet for details.

Exhibit 1 Comparison between the old and new Contract Specifications For Overnight Interest Rate Futures
Exhibit 2 Outline for Over-Night Call Rate Futures
Exhibit 3 Outline for Spot-Next Repo Rate Futures

The original of this publication has been prepared in the Japanese language only and the Japanese language texts shall govern for all purposes and in all respects.
Accordingly, all questions that may arise shall be decided in accordance with the Japanese language texts. Whilst reasonable care has been taken to ensure that this translation is accurate and free from errors, no liability is accepted by TFX in any circumstances.

For Contact
Market Planning Group
Market Development Department
Tel:+81 3 4578 2440
Fax:+81 3 3212 5780

