News File

Solicitation of Market Maker for Packs and Bundles

(24 January, 2018)

TFX will add Packs and Bundles functions as trading strategies of Three-month Euroyen futures on February 26, 2018 and would like to solicit Market Maker.

Recruitment Period
  ・ From January 25, 2018 to February 7, 2018.

Please contact below for any further information:
Fixed Income Products Development and Marketing Department

TEL +81-3-4578-2400
FAX +81-3-3212-5780

The original of this publication has been prepared in the Japanese language only and the Japanese language texts shall govern for all purposes and in all respects. Accordingly, all questions that may arise shall be decided in accordance with the Japanese language texts.
Whilst reasonable care has been taken to ensure that this translation is accurate and free from errors, no liability is accepted by TFX in any circumstances.

